Arthur’s Legal official member of the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud


We are very proud to announce that our office - Arthur's Legal - is now an official member of the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud.

Among a total of 39 members who have been admitted during the first round of submission, we have now joint this authoritative Alliance in this partnership during the very first hours of its existence. The Alliance stems from the European Data Strategy. Each of the 27 Member States is member to the EU Alliance as well.

The European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud has the twin objectives of strengthening the position of EU industry on cloud and edge technologies, and meeting the needs of EU businesses and public administrations that process sensitive categories of data. Members will work together to foster the development and deployment of the next-generation cloud and edge capacities for the public and private sectors.

The alliance will assist in implementing the European Commission’s cloud priorities as announced in the European Data Strategy. The alliance is open to businesses, representatives of EU countries and relevant experts.
The alliance is facilitated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology.

The Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton chaired the first meeting of the Alliance on 14 December 2021 in person and said ahead of the meeting:

"Data will transform the way we produce, consume and live. And Europe has all it takes to lead the ‘big data' economy. With the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud, companies will define an ambitious investment roadmap to develop and deploy next generation computing technologies. With energy-efficient, highly secure and interoperable solutions, we will enable the uptake of new digital technologies, provide businesses and public administrations with a trusted framework to process data, and strengthen the position of EU industry."

What will be the role of the Alliance?

To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the Alliance will work on the following non-exclusive list of tasks: 

  • bringing relevant actors together to prepare and update horizontal and technology specific investment roadmaps on cloud and edge;
  • providing recommendations to ensure the coherent integration of investments with those foreseen for the deployment of common European data spaces in relevant areas ;
  • advising the Commission on requirements and standards for cloud services, including for public procurement.

The work of the Alliance will be facilitated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT). The operational work will be driven by an appointed Steering committee and relevant working groups. 

To learn more, please check the following official websites and documents published by the Commission:

A. Official Commission page about the Alliance:

B. Commissioner Breton personally kicked-off and moderated the first meeting:

C. Terms of Reference of the Alliance:

D. Who are the other 38 initial private sector members, next to the 27 member states each of which are member as well?

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Telephone: + 31 20 - 305 49 50

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